High School Resources

Now more than ever students need the right tools to succeed; still, many students lack the crucial reasoning and sense making skills necessary to apply mathematics to other contexts. NCTM’s Interactive Institute on High School Mathematics, Infusing the Classroom with Reasoning and Sense Making, is a new event designed to provide strategies for creating a high school math classroom in which students are engaged in reasoning and sense making. Learn everything you need to know right here and start planning now.
http://balancedassessment.concord.org- The Balanced Assessment Programs means to:
- Help students become proficient in demonstrating their mathematical knowledge through developing their critical thinking and mathematical actions. These actions include the ability to conceptualize or model a problem, to do the necessary mathematical calculations or transformations, to recognize and generalize results, and to communicate their solutions and understanding of the concepts.
- Provide teachers with a strong working model of what good assessment looks like and how it can be used effectively. Additionally, through the professional development strand of the program, bring teachers and administrators to a deeper understanding of the mathematics embedded in the tasks, familiarize them with current research and literature on assessment, and provide them with a responsive observer of their classroom practice.
- The implementation of this plan has served as a powerful catalyst, not only to enlighten and change teaching practice, but also to inform and enhance student mathematical performance.
Seth Hunter, Interm President, referenced Interim site in his April 2011 newsletter article.
- to tested demonstration lessons presented to children and groups of observing teachers;
- to guided tours of reflective mathematics practice, identifying what makes teaching, learning, and improving instruction in mathematics a difficult enterprise and providing resources for teachers to improve their practice;
- to mathematics teaching and learning tools and resources to support classroom teachers', math coaches', and administrators' daily practices;
- and to a professional learning community in which you are invited to open your own classroom door and engage in conversation about your own mathematics teaching and learning.
- “Beta” versions of the first 20 Lesson Units for High School, cross-referenced to the CCSS content and practice standards. These are ready to download, print, and use. Click on Lessons or Standards to get started.
- A rough draft of the first Summative Assessment Task Collection, aimed at “College- and Career-Readiness,” is available here (PDF, 3.6MB). The finished tasks, searchable and cross-referenced to the Standards, will shortly appear on this site.
- The first sets of Professional Development materials are currently undergoing trials and will appear on this site shortly. Contact [email protected] if you wish to be informed when they are available.
- All the MAP materials will, eventually, be available for download from this site. Unless stated otherwise, they will be free for non-commercial use. Please send any inquiries about commercial use to [email protected]
These websites are recommended by members. KCTM does not endorse the content of any of these websites. They are provided for your professional use.
Updated 4/30/11